Forever Loading or, The Anxiety of Obsolescence (2016)

You&I (2016)
// TRANSCODING // : convert (language or information) from one form of coded representation to another. Data, sounds and images are now routinely transitioning beyond screens into a different state of matter. - Hito Steyerl “Too Much World: Is the Internet Dead?” ////////////////////////////// This project aims at investigating the affordances of technology, with a focus on the internet, which I acknowledge as the perfect laboratory for representations of human agency in its multiplied, transitory and fractalized nature. The development of objects marked by variability is the route towards an understanding of transcoding, objects which can be broken into data for later access and assembly into numerous sequences (Manovich). I also hope to contribute towards an understanding of networked practices as emergent artistic practices and their possible outcomes as examples of new forms of artistic engagement and exchange, both for artists and audiences. http://daniel-pinheiro.tumblr.com/internet workd included so far: #1 | DISTRIBUTED SELF’ 2015 (screenings of the video: HUMAN TRASH DUMP, for STROBE NETWORK / Flux Factory (6/16/2015 - USA / livestream); /si:n/ festival of video art and performance (as part of Migrating World program at French Institute, July 8 and the International Art Academy in Ramallah, July 9, 2015 - Palestine) + Installation at “Control Mode Feedback”, HALLE 14 - Center for Contemporary Art (Leipzig, Germany) - 2015) #2 | Forever Loading or, The Anxiety of Obsolescence’ 2015 (video) #3 | Montage’ 2015 (video installation activated live September 19th (Maia, Portugal) @ MOMENTO III - Lugares de Viagem - Bienal da Maia 2015 (Group Exhibition curated by José Maia)) [more information about this piece: http://daniel-pinheiro.tumblr.com/montage] #4 | You&I’ 2016 [more about this “object": http://daniel-pinheiro.tumblr.com/lonelydigitals]