Photo by Tina Maric, G12HUB & ArtElle, May 2015, Belgrade, Serbia
Performance/living installation “Ceci n’est pas un Garcon a la Pipe” (in English, “This is not a Boy with a Pipe”), basically came as an inspiration from early Picasso’s rose period painting “A Boy with a Pipe,” triggering my imagination for more then 5 years. “Garçon à la Pipe” (“Boy with a Pipe”) was painted in 1905 when Picasso was 24 years old, during his Rose Period. The oil on canvas painting depicts a Parisian boy holding a pipe in his left hand and wearing a garland or wreath of flowers. On May 5, 2004 the painting was sold for US$104 M at Sotheby’s in New York City. Sotheby’s did not name the buyer though sources say that it was Guido Barilla, owner of Barilla Group. At the time, it broke the record for the amount paid for an auctioned painting. My idea was to find the way to bring ‘a Boy with a Pipe’ back to the context of ‘museum’ allowing the audience to be able to see the art piece that has been literary stolen and hidden for private pleasure/business of some Italian magnate. In order to make the contra line I took a philosophical context of another famous painting by Rene Magritte which was entitled ‘ This is not a Pipe’. So fusing those two paintings / concepts I wanted to ask the question ‘Is this finally a Boy with a Pipe?’ More info here: https://brankomiliskovic.wordpress.com/ceci-nest-pas-un-garcon-a-la-pipe/