DARC – Documentation Action Research Collective invite you to our monthly SULLY night – an evening of contamination between artists, artforms, subjects and objects.
Bird La Bird will talk about her processes in discovering historic information and hidden histores from public archives and museums and how she uses performance as a medium of delivery. She will show some clips from a series of fims made with Holly Revell in collaboration with the V and A titled ‘A swish around the queer people’s knick knack emporium chez Bird la Bird’.
Legendary drag artist Lavinia Co-Op of Bloolips fame will share some of their historical archive and provoke ideas and questions on effective ways of archiving historical queer performance material…
This is an informal gathering where we invite you to join us in the discussion, sharing and pollination of ideas. We only have space for a maximum of 40 people so please sign up on this event page and also email us on info@darc.media to confirm your place. We will provide some food, please bring some drinks!