Desmonte/Dismantle (Photo by Cris Lyra)

Desmonte/Dismantle (Photo by Cris Lyra)

Desmonte/Dismantle (Photo by Cris Lyra)
Dismantle was created in response to a distressing personal experience, when Juliana Moraes's partner (and co-director of the piece, Gustavo Sol), faced a serious illness. The choreographer begun to work with a book she had bought many years ago, The Diary of Nijinsky, written 1919, in the weeks before the famous dancer's admission to a psychiatric hospital (where he’d never get out). Initially written in articulated prose, slowly the words of the diary dismantle into onomatopoeias and syllabic repetitions. In the end, Nijinsky writes poems to important people of his life, as well as to the UN and Jesus. Juliana begun to record herself reading these poems, then she also recorded her own texts and got the habit of recording people talking on television, on the streets, in coffee shops etc. These sounds became the stimulus for the creation of accelerated and fragmented movements - many gestures to inhabit the same body that gradually enters in short circuit. Dismantle deals with many layers of signs, emotions and sensations: the pain of the other not to get lost in ones’s own, speech that is transmuted into gestures, ballet and its disciplinary relationship by repetition, limit not as representation but as scenic structure.